
B.Sc. Computer Science programme will equip the students with the necessary knowledge and skills for the existing and emerging challenges that a career in computing and software technology will entail.

In addition, it prepares graduates to show the high quality of independent thought, flexibility, and maturity based on a sound technical knowledge of the field.

  • The program provides students with skills in the problem statement, analysis, implementation and testing.
  • Prepares the students ability to adapt to various hardware and software platforms.
  • Equips students with advanced analytical skills in computer science.
  • Provides the students with the skills to enhance careers in the public and private sectors.
  • Prepares students for postgraduation.
  • Provides knowledge and insight in professional practice to support the larger community.
  • Understand the nature of research and scientific inquiry.
  • Will be able to analyze a problem, constructs alternate approaches to the solution, evaluate merits and demerits.
  • Able to communicate effectively, orally, and in writing.