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Master of Commerce is a postgraduate degree obtained by successful completion of the degree. M.Com. course duration is of 2 years. M.Com. provides higher knowledge about economics, commerce and business.
  • This program could provide well-trained professionals for the Industries, Banking sectors, Insurance companies, Financing companies, Logistics, distribution channel management, Application of IT in Business, Alternate investment, etc.
  • The graduates will get hands-on experience in various aspects acquiring skills for Marketing Manager, sales manager, bank manager, Course accountant, academicians, project management, research analysts, and overall administration abilities of the company.
  • Learn Modern Methods of Office Automation through computers.
  • Know the Management accounting practices used by Management for effective administration.
  • Create the knowledge of legal perspective and its practices to improve the business.
  • Understand the changing environment around the business.
  • Use quantitative models in decision making.
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