Tmt. C. Subbulakshmi
The Refinement of a Nation’s Culture is better reflected in women than in men. Today women are making rapid strides in education and in all branches of life.
By the selfless effort of the Founder, from the very initiation, the college has been serving women with firm determination to spread knowledge along with human values.
By the selfless effort of the Founder, from the very initiation, the college has been serving women with firm determination to spread knowledge along with human values.
Universalizing and improving quality education is our mission. We are expected at the present time to revitalize and rejuvenate the age old system of higher education in India to cater to the ever raising demands and needs of the challenging world.
The main objective of the Institution is the development of an integrated personality in the students, inculcating confidence to face the challenges in life, civic sense and sincere concern for others.
The Institution empowers women to face the commitments and the new trends available in the present education scenario of the technically and the scientifically developed world.
The Institution empowers women to face the commitments and the new trends available in the present education scenario of the technically and the scientifically developed world.